
Uma Viswanathan

Uma Viswanathan

Executive Director, New Pluralists

New Pluralists

Uma Viswanathan is Executive Director of New Pluralists, a funder and field collaborative working together to advance pluralism in American culture – to heal our social divisions in ways that honor human dignity, repair harm, foster empathy, and widen our circle of human concern. She brings 15 years of experience leading, advising, and investing in people and projects dedicated to creating positive social change. Uma was a Senior Program Officer of Leadership for Better Health at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a Program Officer of Racial Equity and Community Engagement at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. She was Director of Leadership Development at Urban Habitat, developing cohorts of social justice leaders from across the Bay Area region’s to join strategic local and regional boards and commissions. She founded and directed Nouvelle Vie Haiti, a network of 300+ young Haitian leaders who empower their communities to manage their own trauma, establish greater food security, and develop healthier sexual relationships. Uma is a certified meditation and breathwork instructor with the Art of Living Foundation and received a BA in psychology and an MA in the history of science from Harvard University.

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