

Action Forum 2020 Day 1

Action Forum 2020


October 13, 2020

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DAY 1- OCTOBER 13, 2020, 3:00PM – 6:00PM EDT

3:00pm ET Opening Remarks

3:10pm ET Opening Keynote Address

  • David Brooks, Executive Director, Weave: The Social Fabric Project
  • Purpose: Mr. Brooks is a New York Times Op-Ed columnist; commentator on “The PBS Newshour”, NPR’s “All Things Considered”, and NBC’s “Meet the Press”; and author of successful works including the number one New York Times Bestseller, The Road to Character. Mr. Brooks is also the Executive Director of Weave: The Social Fabric Project at the Aspen Institute, and will share his perspective on social isolation and loneliness and what can be done to address it.
  • Featuring a ‘Fireside Chat’ Conversation with Ellie Hollander, President & CEO, Meals on Wheels America – Full Recording

3:40pm ET Panel: CESIL Scientific Advisory Council (SAC)*

  • Purpose: to share the scope and purpose of the newly formed Scientific Advisory Council (SAC), the individual perspectives of the SAC members in the need to translate scientific research into real world solutions, and to allow for initial feedback from the audience into the direction the work of the SAC should explore.
  • Moderator:
  • Panelists:
    • Juan Albertorio-Diaz, Statistician, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
    • Dr. Matthew Pantell, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
    • Dr. Kelli Harding, Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center
    • Dr. Louise Hawkley, Senior Research Scientist, NORC at the University of Chicago
    • Dr. Matthew Smith, Co-Director, Center for Population Health and Aging & Associate Professor, Texas A&M University

4:30pm ET Panel: International Partners

  • Purpose: to explore the initiatives of other nation’s efforts to address social isolation and loneliness – pre & post the COVID-19 pandemic, where efforts intersect, and to receive feedback from the Action Forum attendees on what would be of greatest use for an international collaboration of organizations.
  • Moderator:
  • Panelists:

5:30pm ET Closing Keynote Addresses: US Legislative Perspectives

  • The Honorable David Trone (D – MD), U.S. House of Representatives
  • The Honorable Tina Smith (D – MN), U.S. Senate
  • Purpose: to share current and future policy developments that US legislative policymakers are considering related to social connectedness and social isolation & loneliness.

5:50pm ET Day 1 Closing Remarks

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